Removing Meta Data from Images; Achieve Higher Image Compression

The above commands strip extra data (called metadata–read more about photo meta data) The two commands are:ExifTool which is available for download via most package managers or here.Mogrify, which is part of the imagemagick library. You can read more about mogrify options here, and install imagemagick via your choice of package managers. Any digital photos,… Continue reading Removing Meta Data from Images; Achieve Higher Image Compression

Ubuntu/Debian Notification After Command Has Run

If you’re about to run a process that is going to take a considerable amount of time to execute, it is convenient to have that process run without your supervision. And having some type of notification as to when the process has finished executing… or throwing an error, is a big help. Luckily in Ubuntu,… Continue reading Ubuntu/Debian Notification After Command Has Run

Git; Get All Branches Last Commit Date and Time

for k in `git branch | perl -pe s/^..//`; do echo -e `git show –pretty=format:”%Cgreen%ci %Cblue%cr%Creset” $k — | head -n 1`\\t$k; done | sort -r The set of piped commands above produces easy-to-read output of all your repo’s branch names and their last commit dates. Below is an explanation of the commands: for k… Continue reading Git; Get All Branches Last Commit Date and Time

Count IP Occurrences in Apache / Nginx Logs

This command will parse an Apache or Nginx log file and print-out the 50 highest occurring IP’s, along with the number of occurrences, to the shell prompt. machine:~ User$ cat access.log | awk ‘{print $1}’ | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -50 cat – reads the file access.log – is… Continue reading Count IP Occurrences in Apache / Nginx Logs

Bootstrap v4, hidden-*, visible-* replacements

Bootstrap v4 has replaced the following classes: hidden-sm-down, hidden-md-down, hidden-lg-down, hidden-xl-down, hidden-xs-up, hidden-sm-up, hidden-md-up, hidden-lg-up, hidden-xl-up, hidden-xs, hidden-sm, hidden-md, hidden-lg, hidden-xl, visible-xs, visible-sm, visible-md, visible-lg, visible-xl Below is an example of what classes you now need to have in order to reproduce the same effect as the above removed classes. There is also an extension… Continue reading Bootstrap v4, hidden-*, visible-* replacements

Categorized as Graphics, Web

GIT Using SSH to Push Remote to Server

On the server terminal, type: git remote add origin ssh:// The name of your remote repo will be ‘origin’. ‘user’ is your user name, ‘’ is your domain or IP address. ‘:22’ is the port number used to connect to your ssh server. ‘/home/user/remote.git’ is the location of your remote git repo. Before you push… Continue reading GIT Using SSH to Push Remote to Server