Generate / Create QRcode 2D barcodes ( primarily QRcodes ) in raster and vector formats

www.qrstuff.comĀ ? You can generate QR Codes (the most popular 2D barcode) for Website URL, YouTube Video, Google Maps Location, Social Media, iTunes Link, Plain Text, Telephone Number, SMS Message, Email Address, Email Message, Contact Details (VCARD), Event (VCALENDAR), Wifi Login (Android Only), Paypal Buy Now Link. With you to change colour of the positive… Continue reading Generate / Create QRcode 2D barcodes ( primarily QRcodes ) in raster and vector formats

Post, share, receive, send and download audio files

Soundcloud is a free audio third-party (a.k.a. “not my problem”) service that allows you to post, share, receive, send and download audio files with anyone, anywhere. Also allows you to manage your audio files efficiently and effectively in “the cloud”.

Force YouTube to play HQ (high quality) or HD (high definition) link

Update Add: ?hd=1 to the end of the YouTube video URL and if it is available, an HD version will play. Add:&fmt=18 to the end of the YouTube video URL will play the video in HQ (high quality). Add:&fmt=22 to the end of the YouTube video URL will play the video in HD (high definition).… Continue reading Force YouTube to play HQ (high quality) or HD (high definition) link

HTML5 – A great progression in markup

Hardly a buzz-word, more the “hail-mary” of markup language progression, HTML5 brings very important tags and standards to the web. First and foremost, HTML5 solves the question from that last couple of years of what DOCTYPE to use with XHTML. <!DOCTYPE html> John Resig (creator of jQuery) has the best write-up on HTML5 link to… Continue reading HTML5 – A great progression in markup

Opening Nikon-RAW formats in Photoshop CS2

Photoshop by default handles a wide variety of file formats. But still there are some formats that require specific plug-ins. Case-in-point, Nikon-Raw formats. Download the Photoshop plugin to render RAW formats: Click Here Raw formats are the “digital” negatives for pictures. They retain all raw information that a digital-camera captures. Most off-the-shelf digital cameras convert… Continue reading Opening Nikon-RAW formats in Photoshop CS2