If you are changing the domain of a WordPress blog, for development purposes or just moving to a new domain, there is a simple way to achieve this using WP CLI (WordPress Command line Interface). Instead of having to rely on a database command to update all references of the WordPress domain name, there is… Continue reading WP CLI – Change Blog Domain
Category: Web
Tips, tricks and explanations for web tools, standards and emerging technologies.
Count IP Occurrences in Apache / Nginx Logs
This command will parse an Apache or Nginx log file and print-out the 50 highest occurring IP’s, along with the number of occurrences, to the shell prompt. machine:~ User$ cat access.log | awk ‘{print $1}’ | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -50 cat – reads the file access.log – is… Continue reading Count IP Occurrences in Apache / Nginx Logs
Bootstrap v4, hidden-*, visible-* replacements
Bootstrap v4 has replaced the following classes: hidden-sm-down, hidden-md-down, hidden-lg-down, hidden-xl-down, hidden-xs-up, hidden-sm-up, hidden-md-up, hidden-lg-up, hidden-xl-up, hidden-xs, hidden-sm, hidden-md, hidden-lg, hidden-xl, visible-xs, visible-sm, visible-md, visible-lg, visible-xl Below is an example of what classes you now need to have in order to reproduce the same effect as the above removed classes. There is also an extension… Continue reading Bootstrap v4, hidden-*, visible-* replacements
GIT Using SSH to Push Remote to Server
On the server terminal, type: git remote add origin ssh://user@domain.com:22/home/user/remote.git The name of your remote repo will be ‘origin’. ‘user’ is your user name, ‘domian.com’ is your domain or IP address. ‘:22’ is the port number used to connect to your ssh server. ‘/home/user/remote.git’ is the location of your remote git repo. Before you push… Continue reading GIT Using SSH to Push Remote to Server
Quickly Testing TTFB (Time To First Byte) with Apache Benchmarking Tool
Checking the cause of a high TTFB (Time To First Byte) can be time consuming. And pinpointing the issue requires multiple tests against even the smallest changes. Enter Apache’s Benchmarking Tool ab to help with quick testing. ab -n 100 http://www.website.com/ The above command will execute 100 tests against the website entered. The results are… Continue reading Quickly Testing TTFB (Time To First Byte) with Apache Benchmarking Tool
Pushing Large Git Repository
Pushing a large Git Repository can cause issues; time-outs, disconnects or general freezing tend to happen with especially large Git Repos. The best way to handle pushing those large git repos is to break the pushes down into commit chunks. Using git log you can decide how far back and how many chunks you would… Continue reading Pushing Large Git Repository
OpenX – PHP 5.4.34 Upgrade Error Fix
If your OpenX installation is printing-out the following: Strict Standards: Non-static method PEAR::setErrorHandling() should not be called statically in /home/user/directory/lib/Max.php on line 222 Strict Standards: Non-static method OA::debug() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/user/directory/lib/max/ErrorHandler.php on line 134 Strict Standards: Non-static method Log::singleton() should not be called statically, assuming $this… Continue reading OpenX – PHP 5.4.34 Upgrade Error Fix
Prevent Ampersand Issues in Javascript on WordPress Pages & Posts
Ampersands in WordPress Posts and Pages are always encoded into either their numeric (&) or name (&) html entity. This can become troublesome if you are including javascript into the page or post. Using the ampersand’s unicode code point value (0026) is the best way around this issue. So writing ampersand would be done by… Continue reading Prevent Ampersand Issues in Javascript on WordPress Pages & Posts
Quickly Run A HTTP Server From Any Directory
Python makes it easy to run a simple http server from any directory on your system. From command line execute the following command from the directory you would like the server to run from: $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 A simple http server will be running with the root being whatever directory you executed the… Continue reading Quickly Run A HTTP Server From Any Directory
Debug and Inspect Webpages on AVD (Android Emulator) Browsers
There is a lot of documentation on the web on ways to debug websites for Android using their AVD (Android Virtual Device/Emulator). But I thought to make a simple step-by-step instruction to get a web debugger up and running for an AVD. Weinre is the debugger that I use. You can download weinre build from… Continue reading Debug and Inspect Webpages on AVD (Android Emulator) Browsers