For Flash Player: Visit Adobe Site for stats For OS’s, browser, screen size, colour depth and Javascript: Visit W3C Site for stats It becomes obvious why publishing in Flash Player 7 is a good idea and testing sites to make sure they work on both IE and Mozilla-based(Firefox) browsers is another good idea. And why… Continue reading Online statistics for what users are using
Category: Web
Tips, tricks and explanations for web tools, standards and emerging technologies.
Webcrawler’s resurgence as a useful search-engine
Webcrawler was a very popular search-engine before the days of Google. It was well-known for it’s ability to find non-webpage content on the net. It still stands true today with its strength being the ability to find a multitude of media types (video and audio). It’s now based on Microsoft’s 4.0 Development Kit, which limits… Continue reading Webcrawler’s resurgence as a useful search-engine
Investor Research Sites & Google’s cool charting
Google has a cool new charting flash-app. View it here It’s really cool, because it allows you to chart 1m to 1y, and it just expands the graph in real-time. The graph is also interactive, so you can just roll-over points and see the price for that day, the volume and the exact date. The… Continue reading Investor Research Sites & Google’s cool charting
Centered Div, horizontally and vertically in window
Here is a download of a CSS-based vertically and horizontally centered DIV tag. Download Centered Div ZIP file
Best Firefox extension for Web Programmers
FireBug is an extension for the Firefox web-browser. It is amazing for debugging XML, XHMTL, CSS, JS and just to generally inspect your code. Don’t take it too seriously though as IE bug-fixes and workarounds always generate errors. Get FireBug for Firefox.
XML – Looks like this: <user> <name>tom</name> <last_name>jackson</last_name> <email></email> </user> vs. JSON – Looks like this: user{name:tom,last_name:jackson,} JSON reminds me of how a lighttpd configuration file is able to hold script in it. Meaning the file that hold information, holds simple code so you have less info to process. JSON can send arrays. So instead… Continue reading XML vs. JSON
Dynamic to Static URL. Making URLs SEF to improve SEO.
SEF – Search Engine Friendly SEO – Search Engine Optimization Search engines create their databases from running programs that search the web and scan each web-page, and sometimes, they cache the web-page (Cache ‚Äî meaning they download a copy of it). They sort these pages out, assumingly, by URL (that string in the Address… Continue reading Dynamic to Static URL. Making URLs SEF to improve SEO.