The SQL statement to change all references of a string in WordPress posts is: UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, ‘’, ‘’);
Tag: programming
How to Get The Domain and TLD from a URL using PHP and Regular Expression
How to get a domain and it’s TLD from a URL string using PHP and Regular Expression: preg_match(“/[a-z0-9\-]{1,63}\.[a-z\.]{2,6}$/”, parse_url($_url_string, PHP_URL_HOST), $_domain_tld); echo $_domain_tld[0]; This is particularly useful for dealing with country TLD’s, like, on.gc along with the general .com, .net, etc. It is also capable of ruling-out multiple subdomains like: so you end… Continue reading How to Get The Domain and TLD from a URL using PHP and Regular Expression
WordPress Find All Global Details
The following piece of code will help list all objects, arrays and vars in the $GLOBALS variable scope. < ?php foreach($GLOBALS as $glob_key => $glob_val){ echo $glob_key.” – “; echo (is_array($glob_val)||is_object($glob_val))?print_r($glob_val,1):$glob_val; echo “\r\n”; } ?> This can be very useful as there is usually a lot of information stored in $GLOBALS by both WordPress and… Continue reading WordPress Find All Global Details
In WordPress, Replace Text In All Fields
Replacing, Updating, Changing text in WordPress fields is as easy as using the MySQL replace command. Here’s an example for updating the post_title field: update wp_posts set post_title = REPLACE(post_title, ‘Old’, ‘New’) WHERE post_title LIKE ‘%Old%’; This will update all the columns that have the word ‘Old’ in their post_title field with the word ‘New’.… Continue reading In WordPress, Replace Text In All Fields
WordPress Reserved Terms
A great list to know: WordPress, Reserved Terms A lot of issues can arrise if reserved terms are used in customization of WordPress Taxonomy and Post Types. Just best to avoid these terms in whole.
Replace HTML tags with PHP
preg_replace(‘@< (iframe|script|noscript)\b.*?>.*?@si’, ”, $string); Removes iframe, script and noscript tags and contents from $string. Performs an inverted version of strip_tags function.
Multiple MySQL query with PHP
// Enter multiple query string $query_str = ” — Update table UPDATE t SET id = id + 1; — Insert into table INSERT INTO example (name, age) VALUES(‘John Doe’, ’23’ ); “; // Explode string into separate queries $query = explode(‘;’,$query_str); // Loop through exploded queries and execute foreach($query as $index => $sql) {… Continue reading Multiple MySQL query with PHP