Prevent Ampersand Issues in Javascript on WordPress Pages & Posts

Ampersands in WordPress Posts and Pages are always encoded into either their numeric (&) or name (&) html entity. This can become troublesome if you are including javascript into the page or post. Using the ampersand’s unicode code point value (0026) is the best way around this issue. So writing ampersand would be done by… Continue reading Prevent Ampersand Issues in Javascript on WordPress Pages & Posts

Avoid FTP Info Request From WordPress Updates

When performing WordPress updates, some installations prompt for FTP information. This request for FTP information is because WordPress cannot write the updates to files on the server through PHP and therefore requests FTP login information to attempt to write files via FTP instead of PHP. But, if you do not have FTP access, or do… Continue reading Avoid FTP Info Request From WordPress Updates

Can’t Find Documentation on a WordPress Function? is a great site for documentation and source details on WordPress functions.’s Codex is an essential site for referencing the inner workings of WordPress and does have a long list of documentation covering most of the WordPress functions, but does not cover all the functions available in WordPress and doesn’t show the functions’… Continue reading Can’t Find Documentation on a WordPress Function?